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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Anything you can do...

I love that you can tell that Jude gets his speech patterns and word choices primarily from me.  Even Aaron's commented on how obvious it is.  He uses words I use regularly, he uses big words, he even chooses to say things like I would.  Most recently he's started saying "see how that works?" after doing something, or showing us how he does something.  That's exactly what I say to him after I've shown him how to do something new or how something works, yup, exactly.  He also uses "probably" a lot, "I probably want to go to the park."  Okay, probably?  "Yes."  Hmmm.  "He's probably mad."  Probably?  "Yes, he has a mad face."  Okay, fair enough.

Yesterday he started using "Let's do this!" while playing.  I think he got that from a movie, but I can't be certain.  He has one of those brains that can watch a movie once and pull something from it and apply it.  Freaks me out sometimes.  Reminds me of me as a kid.  I had a crazy good memory, drove my mom nuts because I would learn jingles from ads super quickly and sing them all the time.  I think he stole my memory in utero... that would explain why he has it now and I don't.  Pregnancy brain never fully leaves you.

If you aren't around Jude regularly you may also get a kick out of these posts on his speech, one from June, one from April, both still relevant.  Language is definitely one of his most entertaining skills.

Back from June: Awesome v. Weird

Back from April: Best. Day. Ever.

P.S. Jude has thoroughly enjoyed turtle sitting Christopher Robin.  He says he's 'probably' his favorite turtle ever.

1 comment:

  1. I read somewhere that the act of giving birth actually kills brain cells- I use this regularly as my excuse when I have trouble remembering things, LOL. I was never a very auditory learner myself. If you give me information in print it will usually stick on the first read through, but if someone just tells me, or I hear it on the radio or something my retention level is very low.
