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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm on a boat MF!

Two posts in one day?!?!?  What the hell, that never happens.

Yeah, I'm stuck inside doing laundry and editing photos so I deserve a little break every now and again.

Yesterday was the most full Labor Day I think we've ever had.  Jude had a birthday party for his best friend in the a.m., from there we went over to our friends Kurt and Karen's place for some fun times.  Jude got to go in a hot tub.  No worries, they had it turned down really low because of the heat, so it was more like a warm bath, safe for Jude.  I normally wouldn't allow him in, yeah, I'm that mom.

Then it was time for some boating.  Having good friends is great, having good friends with lake front property and boats is an added BONUS.  Jude ♥'s being on the boat, although he sits stoically until it's his turn to drive; a job he takes very seriously.  He's very proud of his skills.  Aaron's now trying to figure out how we can afford a boat... I want a house first, please and thank you.

Pardon the Disney Princess life-jacket, we borrow what fits and Jude could care less.  Actually, I really don't care, he rocks it anyway.  That's how cool and confident our little boy is, or rather, how we're raising him to be.

After that we headed out to the folks place for some dinner and relaxing.  Pretty much an awesome day all around.  Only set back was being slightly hung over from the night before... I don't want to talk about it... wine is my weakness.

If only the summer had started earlier, you know, like in July rather than August, when it's supposed to, we may have had more days like that.  With any luck an Indian Summer will help us stretch out these last few weeks though.  It's looking good.

On a totally random note.  I've been subjected to three documentaries on sharks and sea life this past week.  Jude's choice... and he actually sits through them... which is more than I can say for myself.  He does seem to love water and anything that lives in it.

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