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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Regarding Smokers Near My Home

This is not the full letter, as there was some personal information I choose to keep between the management company and myself (for now), but you get the idea.

Second-hand smoke can kill.  This is public knowledge and that knowledge has led to the increased restriction on where those who choose to participate in the activity can do so.  In the name of public health and safety Washington State residents can now enjoy any restaurant or work place smoke free as well as rest assured that while walking into any publicly accessed building they will not be assaulted by the toxins and carcinogens that are found in second-hand smoke.  According to RCW 70.160.020 public places “include, but are not limited to: Schools, elevators, public conveyances or transportation facilities, museums, concert halls, theaters, auditoriums, exhibition halls, indoor sports arenas, hospitals, nursing homes, health care facilities or clinics, enclosed shopping centers, retail stores, retail service establishments, financial institutions, educational facilities, ticket areas, public hearing facilities, state legislative chambers and immediately adjacent hallways, public restrooms, libraries, restaurants, waiting areas, lobbies, bars, taverns, bowling alleys, skating rinks, casinos, reception areas, and no less than seventy-five percent of the sleeping quarters within a hotel or motel that are rented to guests.  And according to RCW 70.160.075 “Smoking is prohibited within a presumptively reasonable minimum distance of twenty-five feet from entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed area where smoking is prohibited so as to ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter the area through entrances, exits, open windows, or other means.”  The law itself does not pertain to private residences that may be open to public, but I ask you this; why should the air I breathe at the mall or at my local McDonalds be safer for me and my family than that which I breathe in my own home?  If the general public can determine that smoking should not occur around openings that lead to public spaces to as to prevent possible contamination of the air there, should I not assume I have a right to determine the spaces around the opening to my home not be just as protected?  I have personally prohibited smoking within my home, why should the areas around it where air intake occurs, not be just as defended as my local supermarkets?

I’ve heard the argument that smokers have every right to use the space they rent as they deem fit, but as with any right that right ends where it begins to affect the rights of others.  In the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes “The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins.”  This is why we have laws regulating everything from noise to physical contact.  Everyone has the right to clean air, just as they have a right to clean water.  I cannot contaminate my neighbor’s drinking water; there are laws, and morals, that restrict that.  I may have the right to buy known poisons, the right to use them as the instructions allow, the right to expose myself to the potential harm, but I cannot just spray it out my back door and trust it won’t find its way into my neighbors spaces or the ground water they drink.  My neighbors have the right to smoke in their respective units, so long as the smoke does not bother any residents in connecting units.  My neighbors have the right to stand on their respective balconies and smoke, however, the minuet that smoke leaves either of theirs personal space and wafts into my open door or window, their rights have infringed upon mine.  There is no grey area here.  They must contain their smoke to the space each rents; that they have paid for the right to use, and it’s their responsibility to keep it from entering the rented space of others.  It is the job of the management company to enforce the limits of those rights.  This issue may not be addressed specifically in our laws, but it is inherent in the laws that govern our Constitution.

Since first beginning this letter I have come across even more evidence to the potential harm my neighbors may cause.  Just outside the second stairwell to building ___ at Lakeside Landing in Tacoma, WA, I discovered a patch of burnt beauty-bark surrounding a used cigarette (09 June, 2012).  I cannot be certain from which apartment in that stairwell this little treasure came, but the fear it instilled in me is no less certain; there is a real threat to my family and it’s safety living next to these smokers, especially considering the obvious disregard for the welfare of the property and those that live here.  I have included two (2) images of this discovery for your records.  I have also included two (2) images that further illustrate the lack of care in the disposal of cigarettes from ____ and possibly others.   According to FEMA in a report from 2005, smoking causes nearly 15,000 residential fires per year and result in some of the highest fatality and injury rates in home fires.  These fires are also some of the most preventable of that kind.

I would like to point out that based on WSDOH as of 2010 the rate of adult smokers in Washington State was as low as 14.8 percent.  Based on that research it’s safe to say the bulk of your residents are in fact non-smokers and therefore implementing any new policy regarding smoking near the buildings would impact the convenience of a very small percentage of those currently residing on you properties.  It will, however, benefit a great many that, like myself, may be harmed by the actions of those few.  I have included a link to a file that can assist in the adoption of smoke-free policy for residential rentals.  If a smoke-free property seems like a huge leap, it would still be prudent to consider tougher policies regarding where residents can participate in the activity, including but not limited to a greater awareness of the potential dangers associated with it.  We all deserve to feel and be safe in our own home.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Life is Short, Choose Better Books

Okay, this isn't a post about being a mommy.  This is a post about "mommy porn" though and that has the word mommy in it, so I feel justified.

Let me preface this by saying that I am all about some good erotic literature.  This is not an attack on the genre, rather it's an attack on the absolutely SHITTY writing authors are getting away with simply because a woman gets her rocks off on the sex sprinkled throughout the "novel" (yeah, I'm using that term loosely).  Really now... there is no need to sacrifice the quality of the plot, characters, dialogue, etc., in order to add a few wet knickers moments into the story.  Sex happens.  It's not hard to write a convincing story that includes some descriptive bedroom (or kitchen, or elevator, or wilderness... ) scenes.

Not only are authors getting away with it, but they're getting PAID for it.  Call me crazy but I don't think that shitty writing should be rewarded in that manner.  I see well written authors go unsung while one crap author gets top seller list status.

Yeah, you guessed it, this is about the "50 Shades of Grey" series by E.L.James.

I honestly think that the only reasons this is popular is that a) it started off as Twilight Fan Fiction so there is some coat tail riding going on and b) it sort of slipped in and suddenly made the erotic novel genre "okay," less taboo.  It was suddenly "cool" for ladies to be reading, and talking about, "Mommy Porn."  It was no longer snickered about and mocked, it's was being Tweeted about by young celebrities.  That's it.

And because women are far more open to erotica than past generations have been allowed to think they should be, it spread like wild fire.  Let's face it, erotic novels are a form of pornography, but since women are more cerebral and less visual, the written word has a tendency to jump start our engines easier.  And I think since it only involves fictional characters that you cast in your head (rather than flesh and blood people)... religiously speaking, it's not as frowned upon.

Whatever, it's porn.  I dig it.  I'm not afraid to say it.  I'm not afraid to admit I watch porn.  There, the cat is out of the bag.  Pussies don't like being cooped up anyway (Oooo, did I just say that?)

Back to 50... Shades of BORING.

Don't buy this book folks.  DO NOT PAY MONEY FOR THIS SERIES.  I'm not joking.  I seriously feel like I'm going to have to start some kind of official campaign to bring awareness to the fact that in the realm of erotic novels there are so many better authors, well written books.  Hell, even if you just want the sex I could point you in the direction of ones that are hotter and don't try to mask the intent under a bunch of inane dialogue that feels like it was written by a high schooler.  I kid you not.  High school.  It was redundant, it was poorly edited, and worst of all, the characters lacked depth.  Give me anything but shallow characters.  Well, and a plot that even the WB would be ashamed of.

I'm going to make buttons, and posters, and comment on every FB status that raves about it, every CafeMom forum post that touts it's praise, every overheard conversation about the "must read" novel of the year!  Fuck 50 Shades of Grey, fuck it in the vanilla missionary position style in it's mother's basement to the sounds of Matchbox 20 that the rest of the novel brings to mind.  Boring and immature.

Want to know what the fuss is about?  Borrow it.  Someone you know has already spent their hard earned money on it, let them suffer the regret.  Borrow it.  Most library's shelf it.  Borrow it.  Ask your MIL, she probably has it on her Kindle.  But whatever you do, dear lord, don't pay for it!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Chidren's Museum of Tacoma

I'm going to do a quick photo blog to break up the shit tons of photo editing I'm currently immersed in (not a complaint, simple truth).  We hit The Children's Museum of Tacoma this late morning/early afternoon with some friends.  Jude was in desperate need of some stimulation.  Poor dude's been cooped up thanks to busy work schedules and physical injuries (I'm nearly better but I still have to take it easy), so he deserved some fun.  Well, this was the first time we've been that I've actually had my camera on me (and remembered to put a CF card in it... don't laugh).

He loves the telephone system they have set up.

I think he likes the hand dryers more than the water tables.

That's my cool little mister.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Knock it the Fuck Off!

Children of Broken Homes; Stats.

You want to know something?  Something that people, parents, psychologist, kids, have been aware of since the word "psyche" came on the scene?  Using your child as a tool to hurt the other parent is one of the most damaging things you can do it them.

Got it?  To THEM.

Fuck trying to hurt the other parent.  Do that on your own time and leave the child out of it.  It's a proven fact, studied over the course of decades, that bad talking the other parent, not allowing visitation, throwing anyway gifts from them, etc, it's all harmful to the CHILD.  Yes, it's hurtful to the other parent, but they're adults, they can handle it, the child is the innocent that deserves to be sheltered from the worst of the ugliness that exists between the two parents.  It's also too be noted, that unless the child has a reason to believe you, they will eventually learn to resent you for your use of them, your ABUSE of them.

Trust me, I'm a child of divorce.  Luckily for me I was old enough to put my foot down on the trash talk, and truth be told my mother wasn't horrible about it to begin with, but even the few under her breath comments were enough to tick me off.  Don't trash talk my father!  I told her if there was something not to like about him that I would make that decision on my own.  I had that right.  Lo and behold, my father is actually a pretty cool cat, and I love him, and nothing negative that anyone had to say changed that fact.

So, in summation.  Knock it the fuck off.  All of you.  Your child deserves so much better, especially from their own parents, start acting like you deserve them.

A daughters 10 commandments for separated parents.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Dress Detail

I just realized I never posted this!

While on Pinterest I saw a photo of a woman's wedding dress on which she'd stitched a heart made out of her fathers old work shirt.  I fell in love with the idea and wanted to customize my own wedding dress.  I decided on stealing a small piece of the edging on my son's blanket:

That blanket.  It's so loved it's pretty ratty now anyway so he wasn't going to miss a little piece and I stitched it up pretty good after I pilfered.  My little piece was cut into a heart and edged it in clear nail-polish to prevent it from fraying... but as I was looking at it I wanted more.  It was a pretty pale blue (it's been washed a lot) and I wanted it to stand out a little more. I decided to add Aaron and I's initials and the date of our elopement.  I backed it with some iron on batting then gently stitched it on to the back of my dress.  Done and done!  I love it because it included our son in a way that was unique to us.