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Friday, September 2, 2011


AND.... we're in big boy under-roos!  Three days in them, no accidents.  Still in pull-ups at night (even though he's waking up dry 9 times out of 10) and sometimes when we go out he'll ask for them.  He's still getting use to the lack of material down there now, so he's not always comfortable.  But he's doing well, looking all big boy, super proud of himself, and I'm so proud of him.

We've gone through the entire potty training scenario without any poop or pee ending up on the carpet... couch... walls... or us!  The horror stories I've heard from friends and strangers alike have missed us completely. Thank God Jude is not a "poop painter"!  That's my little Virgo boy!

Oh, and he calls his penis a penis, because that's what it is.  He has a butt (or a bum if I'm feeling British that day) and that's where the poop comes out of.  He goes poop and pee, not tinkle and boom boom (you will not hear those words come out of my mouth in reference to using the restroom).  He knows that I have breasts/boobs and we all have nipples.  One day, when it comes up, he'll learn that girls have vaginas, for now he just knows I don't have a penis (at first he thought I was hurt... "Momma... you okay?" "Yes, Jude, I'm okay, I just have different parts." "But you're okay?"  "Yes."  "Okay." 'Nough said).  I do not fully understand people's aversions to these words and the need to replace them with cute sounding ones.  And yes, my son still sees me naked on occasion, he came out of me, I have nothing to hide from him at this age.  I'll worry over a bathrobe in a year or so.

We're all adults here.  Get over it.

1 comment:

  1. We feel the same way about everything you posted. Nice to know there are others that feel the same.
