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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whew, that's a bunch of back story right there!

I'm not entirely sure where to start.  Since this my "Momma" blog and I became one over two years ago, that's a little more back story that I really have the time or patience to get into.  At the same time I feel like some back story is in order... you know, just in case people that don't know me stumble upon my little foray into blogspot.  You may be wondering where this little person I speak so highly of came from (not in the literal sense, pretty sure most people know all about that), or if you're one of those "birth story" fanatics you may be curious to know how long my labor was (or any number of more disgusting facts), or maybe you don't care.

I think a compromise is in order in any case.  I'll just break it down into a few simple facts and we'll go from there.

Jude was a planned child.  And nope, I'm not telling you where/what time/position/etc we conceived.  And I'm going to just say it... you're weird if you even want to know.

I carried Jude past his due date and he was born on Sept 13th, 2008.  Those last few weeks were miserable and I had a tendency to threaten my still inutero child.  Name calling happened.  I simply don't understand the women who tell me they LOVE being pregnant.  For me it's a means to an end, despite the coolness factor of actually carrying a human being inside of you (that gets old FAST).  Not to mention your body is never the same after the fact.  But I'll probably come back to that topic at another point in time.

Jude was breach, and we did not discover this until AFTER I'd been in the hospital for about 11 hours.  Holy hell, that sucked.  He was an emergency c-section due to a fear of Meconium Aspiration (look it up, I'm not going to define it here, that's what Google is for).  My midwife had to hand me over to a surgeon and the next hour or so sucked even worse than the first 11.

Jude suffered no serious effects from being breach (although he's still a tiny bit pigeon toed but the doc assures us he's growing out of it).  He has a heart murmur, but after testing we were told it's not serious and will likely fade as he ages.  Everything else is spit-spot and in working order.  And apparently our little mister is well endowed.  I had no idea parents discussed such things, but now I know better.  We do.  So guys, it's highly likely that your mom talked about the size of your junk with her other mother pals when you were an infant.  Yup.  Just thought you should know.

What else is important back story type information?  Development milestones I suppose.

Let's see.  Jude rolled over at four months, started crawling at about six and a half months, and was taking unsupported steps at just over nine months (you can view video of all of these things on my YouTube).  He's always been a bit of an overachiever, which has my hopes up for his future success.

I think his talking was pretty much on par with the expectations for such things, at least when it comes to actual word acquisition.  He's always been a "talker" though and loves to communicate.

He's a Virgo boy and I love it.  What does this mean?  For all you non-astrology reading people, it means he's clean!  And organized, and paternal, and pays attention to details.  He comes to me when he needs a tissue for his nose and then lets me wipe it, oh, and blows for me.  When his diaper is coming off, he doesn't take it the rest of the way off, nope, he comes and let's us know so we can fix it (although now were into pull-ups and it's a moot point).  Dirty hands?  I get a "wash hands now momma" and it makes me so happy.  I'm one of the lucky ones folks, I will not deny it.

Oh, and my son is POLITE.  To all those parents out there who aren't teaching their kids manners you deserve a "FAIL" stamp in my book.  My son is two and a half and already says "Thank you" without prompting on many occasions.  He tells me "Bless you, Momma" when I sneeze and when I say it to him he replies with a "Thank you, Momma" and I didn't intentionally teach that to him.  He learned by example.  The worst thing you can do to your young children is underestimate them.  "When should I start teaching them {fill in the blank}?"  The answer is from day one.  If you live the way you want them to, they will follow in your foot steps.  And when it comes to teaching them please and thank you, it happens before they can talk.  Sign language works, try it, and it will begin the process earlier than most expect it to be successful.

And I have SO much more to say on that topic but this is still just back story right?  Yeah, so I'll move on.

Actually, no, I'll end it here.  Everything else can be filled in if needed as I go.  But now for a picture.  Well, a couple of pictures, and these are all taken by me (did I mention I'm a photographer?), except the one of all three of us.  That was taken by my dear friend Kent.  Jude is very photogenic, so expect a lot of pictures in my postings.


So yeah, that's my boy!

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