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Friday, December 2, 2011

S*** My Kids Ruined

I would like to take a second to respond to the ideas presented in the comments on this article in which my son is featured (he was published in a coffee table book due to a funny photo I submitted).

Anyone that has ever had a child is aware that no matter how good of a parent you are, SHIT happens.  Period. No parent is perfect, sometimes we forget that we left the bathroom door open, or a marker down where our child can reach it, or got distracted by a phone call and left the laptop on the couch.  Children are magnets for disaster by their very nature.  They're curious, they're fearless, they're unaware of their limitations, they just don't know that much.  They learn primarily through exploration and sometimes that doesn't end well for your personal possessions, or your carpets, or their hair (I've known more than one kid that's tried to cut their own hair).  The reason this is funny, the reason the site and the book exist, is because 1) we all need to know that these things happen.  2) sometimes you HAVE to laugh in order not to want to beat the shit out of your kid!  Well, maybe not beat the shit out of them, but yell, or cry, or throw things.

My son is one of the most well behaved children I know.  You can ask anyone he comes into contact with.  He's polite, he's sweet, he's caring and thoughtful, he's smart and well spoken, he doesn't throw tantrums or bully other children, he's like a dream child.  But he's still just a kid, he's still going to do things wrong, and break things, and spill things and forget things, it's part of being young.  As parents our job is not necessarily to prevent all of that, it's to help them learn FROM it.  When negative behavior is repeated with no one addressing it, or with the child failing to respond to the lessons, then it's an issue.

As for documenting it, please, we, the general WE, document EVERYTHING these days.  It's the age of digital cameras, duh.  Besides which, you have to keep proof for when they're grown and have kids of their own ;)

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