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Friday, December 23, 2011

A Beary Good Toy

So, I'm a little torn over a recent purchase; part of my loves it and part of me feels a little guilty over it.  Why?  Well, it's a T.J. Bearytales toy, which if you're not acquainted with is a animatronic talking teddy bear that tells stories, sings songs and plays a few simple games.  He's pretty much rad.  I found in in good condition at a local thrift store and I Jude was so enthralled with it I had to buy it.  Besides which, it's a discontinued toy and as I discovered later is actually worth a bit, so double score.  Finding the cartridges for the stories is a little harder, but not much because without the bear they're not worth much, so people get rid of them decently cheap on-line.

Now, Jude will actually sit there and listen to him tell his story, and will talk to him, and sing along with him, which is great.  Having a three year old sit through a whole story is damn near amazing.  So on that note I feel great about the purchase.  It's not a game, it's not a DVD, he's not staring a screen, he's actively listening.  I love that.  And, I love to spoil my boy when I can.

The part that I dislike is that I feel like I'm pawning him off on the toy.  Not that I'm twiddling my thumbs while he's playing with it, I'm doing something productive like working on photos or cleaning, that sort of thing.  It's really nice to have him occupied for a bit because frankly my son is almost incapable of entertaining himself.  He's a very social creature, he likes to be engaged by people, although mostly adults.  So I rarely get to do anything for any stretch of time without a hundred interruptions.  I have to have a sitter over to play with him just to get homework done.  And on top of that he hasn't taken a nap in... well, since before summer.  Seriously, little man is paying me back for what I did to my mother, pretty sure.

So there you have it.  I don't feel guilty enough to take the toy away but... I'm going to feel a little pull every time he plays with it I think.

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