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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is Coming

I swear we had every intention of not spoiling Jude this year for Christmas.  We've kind of always liked to follow the 4 gift rule: one from Santa, one from us, jammies, and a book.  But this year that got away from us before we realized it.  I don't know how, or why, but little man has been well taken care of this year.

This means I have to buckle down and actually pass on some of his old toys.  This is difficult for two reasons.  One, he still plays with pretty much all of his toys.  We've always chosen wisely and bought toys that grow with him... so that makes the spring cleaning difficult.  Two, Jude is very good to his toys.  We've raised him with a strong belief that he needs to take care of his possessions or he doesn't get them.  And yes, I have thrown things away to punctuate this point.  Sometimes things just go in the closet for a stretch, if it's a matter of putting them away not them being broken.  This means he has toys that are two years old that are still in very good condition. It also helps that Jude isn't a brute by nature.

I also know to put toys up when other children come over.  There are only two kiddos I know can handle all of Jude's toys without hurting them, all the rest get a paired down version of his toy box.  Although that is a another reason I am hesitant to get rid of some of the older, younger, toys... we need them for the smaller ones that visit us.

All in all, I either need to do some serious rearranging and get some more storage for Jude's room or I'm going to have some tough decisions to make after this weekend.

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