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Monday, August 15, 2011

STOP having babies!

Sometimes I get really tired of guarding my speech for the sake of people I know.  This annoys me for two reasons, the first being I have something to say about something I feel strongly about (and let's face it, I'm a good writer, so why let the talent go to waste?).  The second is merely principal; why should I have to guard my speech out of fear of offending a friend...?  Shouldn't they accept that we may have differing opinions?  God knows they have no trouble telling me theirs so why should I worry?  Because, I have tact.  That complex understanding of social situations that causes me to pause before going viral with my political, social, religious and personal opinions... *sigh*

But after careful consideration I'm just going to go balls out and see where it takes me.

Ever since high school I've been a believer in population control.  I know it sounds morally abhorrent, but really?  Most people aren't smart enough, or selfless enough, to stop and consider the impact of their biological reproduction on the world.  That's "someone elses" problem,  not theirs.  The funny thing is when you meet people that are concerned over their "carbon footprint" and make sure to recycle and drive a hybrid... and have a brood of children.  Did they ever stop to think that one of the best things they can do for the environment it to STOP having babies?

There is, of course, that other major scenario of people having babies upon babies that can't even afford the ones they have.  These groups usually just don't care.  They want babies and by god they're going to have them!  Unconditional love to replace the love they lacked as a child... yeah, I said it.  I fear these groups the most because not only are they creating beings to drain the planet, they're also creating beings to drain the system.  In a day and age when the economy (U.S. primarily) is in a state of chaos and we're aware that it's not going to get better any time soon... why the fuck are you adding to the strain?!  And then to complain about Obama and say that he'd better fix things asap?!  Fuck you.  Fuck you for opening your legs and contributing to the problem.  You know that adage "if you aren't part of the solution..."?  A big fat yup.

There are other groups, but those first two stand out as the top two for me.

The earth has a finite amount of space and resources.  We KNOW this.  We're faced with it every day by way of rising gas prices, food prices, cost of living over-all.  These are reflections of over-population more than they are a little bit of greed on the parts of politicians.  Blame them all you want, but we have more control over our way of life than we want to think we do; it's easier to blame someone else than it is to look inside ourselves for the answers.

For me anyone that has more than two children, one to replace each parent, is being socially irresponsible.  One would be preferable.  If the second pregnancy is multiples... okay, fair enough.  Or if you remarry and the new SO wants a child and doesn't have one, okay, we're still just replacing ourselves.  It's math, you dig?

We have one.  We may have another... but there's only a slim chance, and there's no way in hell we'd have more than that.  Aaron will get snipped once we've decided for certain.

There are other issues too.  How anyone can afford to send one child to college these days is a wonder, but five, six, seven children?  Or is there an expectation that they can receive FA?  In which case, why are you committing your child to a life of poverty in the first place?  If you're thinking on those terms what the hell are you doing having children?  This is knowingly bringing a child into a life of low-income status, with all it's stigmas and hardships, and also intentionally planning to use a system that is in place for people in need... but not with the understanding that you're going to purposefully PUT them in need so they can use it.  That's just retarded.  And socially callous.  And this is something I get very heated about.

And before you condemn me for my beliefs on this (I'm all about birth-control in the water supply) stop and think about this long and hard, evaluate your own reasons, research it, do the math, because even if you don't agree, you should at least be able to see the truth in facts of the  matter.

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