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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Birth Control

So, to continue on the subject of the last post... which is really just a continuation of other past posts... since most of my posts revolve around my issues with other parents and their lack of understanding... because let's face it, most people have no idea how to really parent...

Anyway, I've been a bit riled up lately due to watching others lose children, or having a very difficult time getting pregnant, not being able to at all, while others seem to have no issue but don't really grasp the totality of the gift and responsibility they are given.  This isn't aimed at anyone specific, we (the general "we") run into parents that make us cringe every day (assuming you get out of the house at least once a day).  Walk into any supermarket or department store... or heaven forbid, the mall, and you'll see some kid acting way out of turn and a parent either not paying attention or not caring.  Work in customer service and you'll get far more than a taste and you'll swear you'll never have kids yourself.

I digress.

I'm not a religious person.  I might call myself spiritual, I do harbor beliefs in "something" I'm just not sure exactly what that is.  It's not religion though, and it will never be.  I believe that the teachings of many great people have been twisted by man (in general) and that when you organize it all it becomes hypocritical and scary.  I know that some need religion... it seems to help some, and fair enough, just count me out.  When it comes to children I don't see them as a gift from "God" but I do consider them precious responsibilities.  When you look at it, even on a non-spiritual level, you're holding in your hands the ability to shape the future of the world.  All children grow up to be adults (death aside) and those adults will have control of things.  Even if it simply means they will be another vote in the booth, it's something.  And if you raise them right, they'll have an even greater chance to have an even greater impact.

That's huge.

That's why I get so upset at sloppy parents.  They shirk a responsibility they don't even care to contemplate.

I wouldn't have any problem with birth control in the water supply.

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