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Sunday, October 14, 2012

MY son

So... I get this weird feeling the universe is trying to start us down a different path than I expected.  We had Jude tested in the hopes of getting an IEP.  For those that aren't aware of what that is stands for Individualized Education Program.  Basically it's set up to place children in an educational environment individualized to help them over come or work around a learning disability.  Now you may be asking why we would be doing such a thing... frankly, we're hoping that a slight speech impediment will lead to the means to get Jude into school.  See, we're not really worried about Jude's speech.  I honestly think it's something he's growing out of, however the only way I can currently get him into school is to get him an IEP so he will be bused because I have no way of getting him to school as is.

Wait... where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, so this is what we were hoping for.  The testing showed him doing either fine or great for his age category.  He did fine on shapes, colors and even above average on conceptual things... hard to explain but for example, the concept of "around."  He impressed.  His hearing, great, his eye sight is apparently well above average.  His gross motor skills fine, his fine motor skills, fine.  His language skills are impressive, meaning his vocabulary and his comprehension of communicated thought.  His physical act of speech was the only concern... but even then just barely.

We have been specifically not working with him on this because if he does not get an IEP he does not ualify for transportation and therefore we will not be able to get him in to school until Kindergarten when they will willing bus him... which is fucking stupid.  Honestly... if  a parent is actively trying to get their child started on an early education program WTF is the state doing making that difficult?

We praise education, we say it's the most important thing, but then we set up all these road blocks.  Our society is seriously fucked up.  Yes, I can work with him at home, but I'm not a teacher for a reason, I'm not that good at it.  I lack patience and discipline.  I do not want my child to suffer because of my character flaws which is why I'm actively seeking out ways to further his education via people who actually know what they're doing!!!

But no... the state has other ideas.

Anyway, back to my point of posting.

It seems that in the week following Jude's evaluation he's taken it upon himself to improve everything they worked with him on.

I kid you not.

He is now doing things they asked him to do that he was uncertain of at the time.  Galloping for example.  They asked him to do that, gross motor, and he couldn't... we've never shown him how frankly... two days following testing he does it on his own.  Awesome.  No, seriously, proud mama moment simply because we didn't bring this back up.  He took the 30 seconds from the test and applied it almost instantly.

Oh shit.

Yup, exactly what that implies.  His speech is markedly better from just a week ago.  I kid you not.  THIS is why I want him in school!  He's so smart, he's so capable and I'm not the best person to be teaching him these things!!!!!!  I love him, I get to teach him all about life and meaning and other stuff... but the RRR's?  Not so good with it all.  But he's ready.  He's so ready.  He's a little sponge that is so eager and ready to learn and I'm so worried that he's going to be held back because of the stupid fact that I don't own a car!

*SIGH*  I know that if it comes down to it I'm going to have to buck up and scale my own mountain in the hopes that he won't be left standing at the bottom of his... I know that I have a fight ahead of me because I'll be damned if he's kept out of Kindergarten because his b-day falls mere weeks after their cutoff.  NO FUCKING WAY.  I will not allow him to start life late because some people seem to thing starting late is better.  Fuck them.  My son is MY son and like his mother he will be the youngest in his class because he is an old soul and is more than capable of keeping up with someone a month older than him.

See, I'm angry now.

Why am I even typing at this time of night?


So yeah, I'm starting to think the universe has other ideas for us because the road blocks are piling up and I have no logical reason why except that this is not the path we're meant to follow...

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