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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Knock it the Fuck Off!

Children of Broken Homes; Stats.

You want to know something?  Something that people, parents, psychologist, kids, have been aware of since the word "psyche" came on the scene?  Using your child as a tool to hurt the other parent is one of the most damaging things you can do it them.

Got it?  To THEM.

Fuck trying to hurt the other parent.  Do that on your own time and leave the child out of it.  It's a proven fact, studied over the course of decades, that bad talking the other parent, not allowing visitation, throwing anyway gifts from them, etc, it's all harmful to the CHILD.  Yes, it's hurtful to the other parent, but they're adults, they can handle it, the child is the innocent that deserves to be sheltered from the worst of the ugliness that exists between the two parents.  It's also too be noted, that unless the child has a reason to believe you, they will eventually learn to resent you for your use of them, your ABUSE of them.

Trust me, I'm a child of divorce.  Luckily for me I was old enough to put my foot down on the trash talk, and truth be told my mother wasn't horrible about it to begin with, but even the few under her breath comments were enough to tick me off.  Don't trash talk my father!  I told her if there was something not to like about him that I would make that decision on my own.  I had that right.  Lo and behold, my father is actually a pretty cool cat, and I love him, and nothing negative that anyone had to say changed that fact.

So, in summation.  Knock it the fuck off.  All of you.  Your child deserves so much better, especially from their own parents, start acting like you deserve them.

A daughters 10 commandments for separated parents.

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