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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Judester

So, Jude update, health-wise.  His three year well child check up was this past Wednesday.  He is weighing in at a tad over 30lbs, is standing nearly 39 inches (he's now much taller than his cousin Piper, is almost spot on the same as his cousin Ayden, and is only a few inches shorter than Austin, and Jude's the baby of the group!), his eye sight is stellar (the tech was impressed), and his leg is straightening out more.  The doctor was impressed that he's completely potty trained, his teeth were "squeaky clean" as she put it, and says that he looks great over-all, very healthy.  The tech came in to take his blood for an iron count, and he was so brave, he didn't cry until it was all over with, I was so proud of him.

He's turning into such a wonderful little man.  He's currently well into his terrible threes, which for us is easy compared to what I see others going through.  The two's were cake, the threes are a little more trying.  Jude has discovered the use of the word like, so now when you're not letting him get his way he tells you he doesn't like you.  Which sucks, but at the same time it's just him expressing his feelings in a generalized manor.  Kids are do all or nothing about things!  He'll also tell us he doesn't like what we're saying and will tell us to stop talking.  His newest thing is to send me to my room.  If I'm not letting him do what he wants he says "I want you to go in your room Mama.  Go do homework in your room."  It's a little funny.  He makes up for those little things though, his manners are still amazing, and he's such a love.

He's starting to write his letters now.  I can't wait to be done with classes so I can spend more time cultivating that, along with his numbers.  He's just so damn smart.  He's started asking for 100 piece puzzles now, although he still needs help with those or he gets bored about halfway through.  The 24-48 are a cinch for him now though, it's crazy watching him just zooming through them like they're nothing.  His memory is scary good too.  He'll remember some small detail from something that happened 6 months ago and hasn't been brought up since.  Oh, for example, we attended a baby shower at the Engine House back in April and the hostess had provided bubbles in the goodie bags.  Well, we attended another baby shower there about a week ago and what does Jude immediately ask for?  The bubbles.  There weren't any, much to his dismay, but he remembered the room and that it had meant bubbles the last time.  Crazy!

Anyway, he's just our amazing little mister and I love discovering this world anew through his eyes.  It's the best!

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