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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ugly Babies

I can't recall if I've ever talked about this... so forgive if it's a repeat.

So, let's admit it, some babies are just NOT cute.  I've heard the adage that all babies are cute, but really?  I've even known mother's to admit that their babies aren't that cute (typically after they've grown out of the ug and into a better looking child).  I'll admit that one of my first thoughts, after all the "oh, thank God he's healthy!" ones, was "oh good, I got a cute one."  And that's twofold, so don't think it's all about vanity.  Yes, I wanted a cute one so that I had a cute one and everyone would Oooo and Ahhh over him, but there's another reason I was grateful.

Life is easier on you when you're pretty.  Simple.  People are nicer to you.  Jobs are easier to get.  Friendships are easier to start (not necessarily keep, that's where personality comes in), relationships in general.  And if there's anything I don't want for my son is a hard life, so cute makes that less likely to happen.

My MIL's office has an inside joke, since they see babies come in all the time, if it's not cute they say "Oh, now that's a baby!"  I have a tendency to focus on the one trait that sounds out as best.  That may be the eyes, the hair, the dimples, etc.  If you hear me only ever mention how pretty a kids baby blues are... yup, that's because I can't find anything else to compliment without feeling like a liar.  If you don't hear me outright say "she's sooooo cute!" then I don't think she is, or he.  Whatever.

That's not to say ugly babies turn into ugly adults, I've seen it go all ways; ugly to cute, ugly to ugly, cute to ugly, cute to cute.  It's a roll of the dice.  Some features look goofy on a baby but great on an adult.  Never can tell... well... sometimes you can make a good estimate though.

Not all babies are cute!  I hate that parents can't admit this.  My son was cute, but he was also a little goofy cute.  I was okay with that.  He had these ears that I LOVED, like Will Smith ears, but he's since grown into them... mostly :)  But he was still cute.


Facts are facts, and not all babies are cute.  Get over it.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!!! It cracks me up that you would write this, and you photograph babies so much! You do have a lot more opportunities to see ugly babies though, in that aspect.

    I'm definitely one of those mothers that looks back and giggles at certain phases, because I think each child goes through multiple ones...and some are just hilarious looking. Like Leighton went through a "guy from the Saw look a like" period that is a constant crack up for us now...but at other phases I'm like OMG he was so cute! Kadence had enormous eyes, and sometimes her lack of hair in early months and huge eyes make her not even look like herself now! Like those pictures you took of her with the apple...its so weird to look at those cause she looks SO different. haha But, as a biased mother I still think she was always adorable. Jim jokes she was the ugliest of our babies though! haha WHAT IS THAT! I think she is a gorgeous toddler though now that she's grown into her eyes. And Ethan...I dont know why but I think every phase he has ever gone through has been a handsome period for him. I honestly cant tell you a single feature flaw I've ever seen on him...but again, biased Mom. haha I thank the Lord that everytime I go out people compliment my kids in that "stop to tell you" kind of way. Even yesterday a lady at Great Clips came up to tell me that all my kids are beautiful and I should be thankful. At the time I was like "thats odd to say" but now I can laugh reading this!

    Jude has always been super adorbs! I have always seen a lot of Aaron in him!
