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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Out of Comission

Well, I've had an interesting few weeks.  Being hobbled isn't much fun, not for me, and not for Jude, but I'm so grateful he is the child he is because he's been the best little nurse I could have asked for.  Not to mention that his ability to care for himself in so many ways makes it easier by nature.  My knee has me laid up not able to do much, I have to follow the RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) method of treatment in order to let the affected area heal.  It looks like I tore either a ligament or the meniscus, which unless surgery was an option, there's not much you can do for that but let the body heal and trust it to do so effectively.  This also means I get to rehabilitate it once it's healed... fun times!

But Jude has been amazing and if he weren't ahead of the curve I'd be screwed.  He doesn't need me to really do much, physically anyway, so that's been so helpful.  He can pick things up himself, he can dress himself, he can go to the bathroom (although we still have to help with the poo side of things), he can get snacks for himself and has even brought me things when I need them.  He's such a love, and he's been extremely understanding about not being able to go anywhere.  We'd normally get out of the apt a couple of times a week, go to the zoo, the park, etc, but I can't... I feel bad for the monkey but at the same time if I want to ever resume those activities I have to be careful now and let my body heal.  But we still have friends willing to come over and play here, so he's not lonely, just a little cloistered.  Papa gets him out when he gets home though.

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