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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Right out the gate

This article on Yahoo! made me happy.  And yes, I'm going to tell you why.  One, it makes me happy that manners still make the news, even if it is just Yahoo! news.  Two, Jude is already fairly well versed in a handful of those listed.

I've already mentioned "please" and "thank you" in a post a while back, and "bless you" when someone sneezes (although that's not mentioned in the article I think it's important.  If you don't like "bless you" you can use "Gesundheit!" or something similar.)  Now Jude says "excuse me" when he sneezes, burps, bumps into you (or "sorry" depending) or wants your attention.  Not every time, but most of the time, and for 2 1/2 I think that's pretty darn good.  He's starting to get the cover your mouth when you cough idea, and while the urge to stick his finger up his nose is still strong, if he really needs a tissue he'll ask for one, or more recently, just go get one and bring it to you so you can help him blow his nose.  In that vein he also will use a napkin to wipe his mouth and hands while eating so long as you provide him with one.  Oh, and "thank you" isn't just when he's handed something he asked for anymore, now it's also anytime you help him with something.

He's a sharer.  That's for certain.  Nearly any time he has anything sharable he's offering a piece to everyone else in the room.  Actually, I'd be safe saying every time, and more than once during the course of his enjoyment of it.

He's also a lover.  If you're sad or mad he offers hugs and kisses to "make you feel better!"  And adds that "it'll be okay" for reassurance.  It's ridiculously hard to stay angry or upset in the face of that, trust me.

Is it any wonder we're leaning toward not having another child?  Why tempt fate?  We got the perfect child right out of the gate...

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