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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Plastic v. Steel

Okay, so Jude is the proud owner of a toy sword... yeah, I know, what was I thinking, but here's my logic.  Number one, Jude was given a light-saber type sword already this past Dec, so it's not an entirely new concept for him.  We've already had to go over the rules with him about how he can play with it and what not to hit etc.  Number two, no matter how hard we try as parents to keep these types of toys out of their little hands they WILL find their way into them eventually.  Family, friends, play centers, hell even sticks become a gun or sword in the hands of a boy.  No joke, it's like it's genetic or something.  The whole hunter/warrior thing.

Like with squirt guns.  I initially bought him ones that looked like animals and stuff... doesn't matter, it's used the same, they don't care what it looks like.  And who wants to deny their child the fun of a squirt gun on a hot summer day?  Not I.  And real guns, fortunately, are not something he comes in contact with with any of our friends and family.  Although we will teach him the difference so that if/when he does (like potentially at a friends house or something similar) he'll know what NOT to do with it.  Like touch it... or let one be pointed at him... you know, the usual.

I think at this stage it's more important to teach him the appropriate way to play with such toys rather than to just try to keep them away from him.  Jude has proven himself highly capable of understanding complex thoughts and abstract concepts so "no hitting" is no problem for him.  Also there's importance in teaching him the difference between toys and the real thing.

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