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Friday, April 29, 2011

Sick of being sick

We've been sick so I've had a serious lack of desire to do much of anything let alone blog.  I ended up in the ER last Saturday with a super case of the flu.  That was not awesome.  I was in so much pain they gave me Morphine.  Morphine for the flu, wouldn't have put the two together myself.  Morphine, by the way, is not my favorite thing in the world.  I have no idea why people talk about it like it's some great drug.  It was uncomfortable, then it just made me want to sleep.  It got rid of the pain mind you, but it really didn't last very long either.  All in all, I can do without Morphine.

Now, Jude caught it, despite his flu shot which is no match for a mother's love apparently, but he had one bad day then was pretty much good.  He's a super snot making machine but overall he's been chipper.  We were given a prescription for Tamiflu... which for me, out of pocket cost a whoppin' $115... and Jude's medical didn't cover it for him either.  We had to get special permission and still haven't even gotten the medicine because of the run around with the pharmacy.  Now he's almost all better and we never even gave him a dose of the stuff.

Which what the fuck are they doing charging that much for a ten dose pack of meds?  Our country's health care system is seriously messed up.  If we end up with a Rep. in the White House this coming term I'm scared to think of how much worse it's going to get.  Honestly, it's worth considering moving to another country and applying for residence.  I've never had more fear of where our country is headed than I do now that we have this upswing of severe conservatives coming out of the woodwork and fighting to put things back decades.  Woman's rights, gay rights, minority rights, health care, medicare, SS, just to name a few, all on the chopping block.  If it doesn't fit in with their narrow WASP view of the world it doesn't belong, and they think they have some God given right to rule.  *shudders* that's just asking for more trouble.

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