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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Update blah blah blah

I just realized I haven't updated anything recently.  So, Jude is not yet attending school.  I had originally planned to walk him but found out that the street the runs to the school is a pedestrian death trap.  Not cool, so that's out.  The school will not bus him unless he gets an IEP.  I don't know anyone so I can't carpool (although his teacher has been asking around hoping to find someone willing, which is terribly sweet of her).  The only people I know with a car they don't use is... well, let's just say it's use illegally gets in the way of us potentially borrowing it.  More than that I will not say because it'll just lead me on a rant about negative behavior being rewarded and all that jazz.

So we wait for Jude's Chidfind apt on Oct 5th and we're pretty sure he'll qualify for speech.  In fact two of the people that work with the org have asked his Tutu about it and we're happy to hear because they've heard him speak.  He has a lisp mainly.  He's got a fantastic grasp of language though, so fixing that lisp is all he needs.  But that will be our ticket to transportation for him.  Otherwise I wouldn't worry, we'd just work with him at home, and his class has a speech therapist come in once a week anyway.  But we need that bus!

So in the mean time I've been taking Jude to Story Time at the library on Mon's and Play & Learn there on Wed.  He's warming up to it.  I want him to get use to a set schedule and the learning aspect helps too.  He needs to get use to other kids and responding to his teachers.  I'm a tiny bit nervous about how the first week will go when he does start since it won't just be class... the bus is a totally huge deal since he'll have to do two new things without me right off the bat... but that's life.

We've also been trying to connect with families in Gig Harbor in an attempt to make new friends that live on this side of the bridge.  We had one play date Mon and it went really well.  Jude and Caleb hit it off instantly and played hard for two hours.  But other than his mother no one has been very proactive in the groups I've joined, which is sad.  Hopefully another one or two will come out of the woodwork so he can have a variety of playmates.

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