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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Common Courtesy

What the hell has happened to us as a culture that we now fail to consider common courtesy?

Do we no longer know what RSVP means?

And when you do respond, hence the R=répondez.... respond.... seriously, if you can give 24 hrs notice to a doctor when you can't show up for an appointment, don't you think that those you care about, your friends and family, don't deserve at least that?  Do I need to start charging when you fail to cancel an RSVP?

Fuck this callous lack of regard for decorum.  Where has our respect gone?

I'm so tired of throwing parties and having a good 40% of those that RSVP NOT show up.

Look, I'm not offended if you don't want to come to my reception, or my son's birthday party, I'm cool, people have lives that don't involve mine.  I GET that.  I'm not a narcissist.  And I'm not going to take it personally if you don't come because you have other things you must attend to... but goodness fucking gracious... DO NOT RSVP if you don't have at least a 90% chance of coming.  And if anything changes in the 48 hours prior, just let me know.  Send me a text, an e-mail, whatever, but just not showing up...?

It makes me like you just a little less each fucking time it happens.  So when it happens repeatedly?  Yeah, I don't like you nearly as much as I did three years ago.

Go it.

Show me a little respect and communicate with me.

Life isn't so busy that you can't take a minute to type a text and hit send.  This isn't the 18th century, you don't have to send a messenger, just a fucking MSG.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, and boo because I am totally guilty this time of not making it. It's my husbands fault. xo. I did however at least send a message
