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Friday, December 7, 2012

Lest You Be Judged

Know what?

I'm a judgmental person.  Yup.

But hey, at least I admit it, right?  Hell yeah.  I harbor no delusions about the fact that I am quick to asses a person and then conveniently file them away under a well accepted label.  It leaves room in my brain for the important things.  I'm not perfect, but I'm still pretty cool, and I am still loved by many strange and wonderful people, so I'm not phased by this.

Let me clarify one thing though, I don't jump to conclusions based on gender, race, or age.  Religion...?  Eh, I sometimes do, depends on the religion.  Scientologists are likely to land up in my "loony" folder, I'm not going to lie.  In fact, I'm not even sure I consider that a religion... point being is my judgments are based on speech and action.  The minute you open your mouth (or place your fingers to the keyboard) I start picking through your word choices, your topic choices, your opinions and then I begin to hold them up against your actions.  The longer I know you the more refined my judgments become.  Makes sense right?  Yup, because everyone fucking does it.  Even if they don't want to admit to it, we're all judgmental bastards.  We're hardwired for it.  Anyone that says otherwise is either a Saint, or a liar.  My money is on the later of the two choices.  Take a little time to review the psychology behind the concept and you'll find that I'm speaking the truth.

The older I get the more quickly I start refining my judgement   Hey, I'm getting old, I don't have time for stupid people.  I don't have the patience to wait years to discover that you're a hypocritical bitch.  I'm going to sort that out as quickly as I can so that I can bow out of any social interaction I may otherwise feel obligated to participate in.  I like to reserve my time for people I actually like, who make me laugh, who are honest and can admit they're human.  This doesn't mean I like mean people, it just means I prefer my friends not to focus so hard on placing themselves on the moral high-ground (especially when it's mostly for show) but rather just go about their lives and are just good (but flawed) by default.  Other people and their opinions be damned.

So, if I don't care why am I even bothering to post this?  Eh, two reasons, 1) I dislike when someone attacks my friends, and 2) I can.  I'm judgmental  remember, this also means I'm highly likely to post my opinions on a matter in a public forum simply because I CAN.  My blogs have always been a source of therapy for me, ever since I first joined LiveJournal back in the fall of 2003 (yeah, I've been "blogging" for a long as time).  Although I've been keeping hard-copy journals since I was a preteen.  Writing just works for me, and now thanks to the WWW, I can share my judgmental thoughts with others.

And do I expect others to judge me?  Duh, of course I do, I'd be disappointed if they didn't, a little ego bruised even.  If I choose to let it bother me, that's MY problem.  It's usually not a problem though :)

That said, check yourself.  If you want to judge others, by all means, go for it, I do, but don't damn them for behavior that you are also guilty of.  At least not publicly, that's just downright stupid.

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