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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We're Higher Than a Motherf*cker!

I have a ton on my mind right now... but I'm going to forego posting a ton of blog verbatim of what is occurring in my mind since frankly it's been said a million times already by people in both the past and present that share a similar view of the world and are much more eloquent than myself (as good with the English language as I am).  Let's face it, we're not alone in this so we're not likely to be horribly unique in our thoughts right now.

Instead I'm going to post a video that pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now.

Two weeks ago I would never have thought to not only be posting/sharing a Nicki Minaj piece but actually playing it on repeat for hours on end... but the world is an amazing place where we have the freedom to change our minds and feelings when experience dictates.  Sometimes inspiration comes in the most unlikely places, try not to close yourself off to the possibilities.  Don't be a snob, just enjoy it, trust me.  HIT PLAY NOW, and just listen...

By the way, in my head, this is Obama's theme song right now.... no, seriously, listen to it and tell me I'm wrong.  It's pretty damn appropriate, in a wonderfully inappropriate (not entirely accurate), crass kind of way.  Which in a way is totally appropriate for our/my generation.  We may feign at being all grown up and responsible but there is still a part of us that wants to tell the man to fuck off.

And FUCK YEAH WA for approving Ref-74!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "Fuck who you want and fuck who you like!" (see, the song is carrying over into other issues, it's perfect!)  It's a civil rights issue and I'm proud to have voted in favor of LOVE for all.  Love wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And no, I'm not actually high right now, even though WA has just approved an initiative that makes pot legal. I-502, it limits quantities  but still, same idea as alcohol.  WA, we're progressive like that.  We're sort of awesome.

So who wants to take me dancing?  I'll bet you're smiling right now huh?  You can't help it.  The last two days have restored your faith in humanity... at least a little bit.  Let's do this one more time!!!!

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