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Monday, October 29, 2012

Owned It!

So, Jude started school today!  And, as mentioned before this also meant him riding the bus by himself to and from class.

I was so worried he'd have a break down, he's gotten more attached to me since our move.  I think largely due to the fact that we've been cut off from all our old haunts and play date buddies.  We don't go as many places and when we do it's often just him and I.  It's been sort of us against the world lately and I've seen the effect on Jude.  It's not a terrible one, but it did hold the potential to make the separation anxiety heightened. Apparently I need not to have worried.

He cried twice, briefly, while we were getting ready.  I calmed him, told him it's okay to be scared, and promised him that I would be waiting for him when he got home.  We went out and waited for the bus and goofed off some, when it came his eyes got a little watery and he got really quiet, but he didn't break down, I was so proud of him.  He really pulled it together.  Not that crying would have been bad, but it was easier this way.  I was so relieved.  Of course I cried when they pulled away.

When he came home he had a bunch to say and wasn't worried about going back again.  His teach e-mailed me to let me know he did great, followed along, handled the routine just fine.  He painted and played and wasn't worried about getting on the bus to come home.  Made my heart happy, gave me a huge grin that I still haven't shaken, lol.  My big brave boy is growing up, and that's bittersweet, but I am so proud of him.  I can't wait for parent teacher meetings later in the year!

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